This was brought to my attention just recently. It's on the Network 54 Yellow Pages Forum.
Steve in NC July 11 2006, 9:17 AM (Login pneuguy)
The ONLY aftermarket hammer debounce device that WORKS is my design. And it was stolen...
...a couple of weeks after its introduction by my so-called "partner," Bob Werner. Thanks to Bob's greed, it's now off the market. So now there's none.Which is a pity. Because there was quite a lot of work wrapped up in its development and, as Larry's effort here proves, making a debouncer that actually works, ain't so easy.
What a liar and hypocrite Steve is.
I never stole anything from him let alone the HDD's. I split the remaining HDD inventory with Steve when we parted company and wholesaled mine out immediately. The Right handed ones sold out in two weeks and I still have a couple of the old left handed ones left that never did sell. Yes, it's off the market now as far as I'm concerned because I don't make them anymore. I have never made a single HDD, not one, since we parted company and never will.
Also, if you look back, he and Skyler have been selling these all along so it seems or at least they are on Skylers website. Steve is so full of bull, lies and deception.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Regarding Tim's (the manufacturer) effort to correct Steve-in NC's fabrications and falsehoods
on the YP's in regards to the below article and how it was immediatly deleted in an attempt preventing anybody from reading it.
Here a copy of the e-mail that I sent to Walter G that I received from Tim (my manufacturer) after his efforts to inform those on the YP's of the incorrectness of Steve-in-NC statements and claims.
I just got a call from Tim.
Tim did respond to the thread that I was referring to in my e-mail. At first Tim said he had difficulty posting it but was finally able to get it up a little after midnight. I guess he had to go through some process. However, once it was posted, it was deleted within a matter of a couple of hours and when he tried to repost it, it seems that he no longer could post. Anyhow, below is a copy of the e-mail that he sent me along with a copy of the post that was deleted.
Steve had to get rid of the post fast and at that time of night I doubt many would have had the opportunity to read it in the short time that it was up.
I tried to put the below post on the YP Gamo forum last night but was unable to post it at first. I was finally able to get it posted a little after midnight. I was finally able to post but it was deleted a short time later. I made a copy of the post at first because I had trouble posting and saved it just in case.
Post Preview
Regarding the GTX triggers
November 13 2007 at 10:54 PM
First I would like to let everyone know that I am the person that manufactured the triggers for Charlie and Steve when they were partners. Charlie approached me to make the triggers because he was having a lot of problems with both the p00r design issues, safety, and they were being poorly manufactured overseas.
I was not provided with any detailed dimentional drawing and had nothing but a basic picture, the original version trigger to start with. We, Charlie and I, did everything starting from scratch. Charlie spent many nights and much testing while redesigning the trigger in order for it to work with efficiency as well as a functioning safety. It was shortly after Charlie perfected it when their partnership broke up. It was then that I was approached by Steve and he wanted to have one design and wanted Charlie to have another another design. That's when I decided to not make any triggers or other parts for them at all. My intent was to stay impartial and neutral.
Steve, your misrepresenting the facts and is not true. And I am not manufacturing the GRT-III trigger as claimed in this or any other post for Steve or Skyler either one and do not intend to. Leave me out of this mess.
I expect that this post will be deleted almost immediatly but we will see.
Here a copy of the e-mail that I sent to Walter G that I received from Tim (my manufacturer) after his efforts to inform those on the YP's of the incorrectness of Steve-in-NC statements and claims.
I just got a call from Tim.
Tim did respond to the thread that I was referring to in my e-mail. At first Tim said he had difficulty posting it but was finally able to get it up a little after midnight. I guess he had to go through some process. However, once it was posted, it was deleted within a matter of a couple of hours and when he tried to repost it, it seems that he no longer could post. Anyhow, below is a copy of the e-mail that he sent me along with a copy of the post that was deleted.
Steve had to get rid of the post fast and at that time of night I doubt many would have had the opportunity to read it in the short time that it was up.
I tried to put the below post on the YP Gamo forum last night but was unable to post it at first. I was finally able to get it posted a little after midnight. I was finally able to post but it was deleted a short time later. I made a copy of the post at first because I had trouble posting and saved it just in case.
Post Preview
Regarding the GTX triggers
November 13 2007 at 10:54 PM
First I would like to let everyone know that I am the person that manufactured the triggers for Charlie and Steve when they were partners. Charlie approached me to make the triggers because he was having a lot of problems with both the p00r design issues, safety, and they were being poorly manufactured overseas.
I was not provided with any detailed dimentional drawing and had nothing but a basic picture, the original version trigger to start with. We, Charlie and I, did everything starting from scratch. Charlie spent many nights and much testing while redesigning the trigger in order for it to work with efficiency as well as a functioning safety. It was shortly after Charlie perfected it when their partnership broke up. It was then that I was approached by Steve and he wanted to have one design and wanted Charlie to have another another design. That's when I decided to not make any triggers or other parts for them at all. My intent was to stay impartial and neutral.
Steve, your misrepresenting the facts and is not true. And I am not manufacturing the GRT-III trigger as claimed in this or any other post for Steve or Skyler either one and do not intend to. Leave me out of this mess.
I expect that this post will be deleted almost immediatly but we will see.
Deception about Steve's-Skylers triggers and more
This is in regards to one of the latest tactics of Steve-in-NC. I sent an e-mail to Walter G in response to a post.
Hi Walter:
I very seldom e-mail people regarding posts made on the YP’s but when I do, it’s only that I cannot respond to their post (including yours) in any other way.
Perhaps you don’t want to hear what I have to say or even have no interest in my side of the controversy and I am certainly not asking you to take sides. Hopefully you will give me the courtesy of reading this but if not, I understand with no ill feelings on my part.
Regarding your post on the YP-Gamo and the responses,+where+are+the+GTX+triggers+made-+USA-
There is no truth in what Steve has said in his posts and makes those statements only to discredit me and further his own agenda. I can only put up posts on my forum, the GTA, regarding issues because it’s the only way I can put up any defense at all and others from the YP’s are either members here also under different names or at least come to the GTA and read the posts. He knows as do you and many others, that I have absolutely no way of defending myself on the YP’s or can anybody else post a defense on my behalf because he will immediately (or have CT Steve) delete them and usually ban the person that makes the post. As you well know, they always “disappear” within a very short time keeping as few as possible from viewing them.
I just wanted to make some points about that post.
Steve’s statement about: In fact every single... GTX blade that was ever made, worked. There were no "failures”.
They were all failures, all of them but the reason that they worked and there were in his words, “no failures” is because I had to remake them, every single one. And then there was still the problem that the safeties did not work even when they were reworked. It could not be made to work without failing because of the design. I had to make a lot of refunds because the customers were so dissatisfied and I made those refunds with no questions asked.
Below is the first MK-1-GTX that Steve designed (he never shows this), had made and sent to me that I had to grind out the nose to make work as well as modify the pivot holes to even get the pins in. No safety and not first stage adjustable.
(sorry but I could not post the picture here)
In his post, the upper left picture (in the group of three) is the second version of Steve’s trigger, MK-I GTX ver.2 that he had made and shipped to me. I had to do a lot of work on every one of them to make them work and able to sell. It too wasn’t first stage adjustable and still had the safety issue.
The bottom trigger in the group was his third (and final) version he had made that had an adjustment screw but was incorrectly placed and incorrect angle. The pivot pin holes were still incorrect and every one had to be drilled oversize and hand fitted to be able to fit into the trigger. And the safety was not right. This was the GTX-I. He just never got it right….ever….and I was sick of it.
Every trigger Steve ever had made and sent to me were sub-manufactured by E-Machine and made off shore. It was cheap, a little over $4.00 each as I recall, and the end results very bad due both in part to faulty design as well as poor workmanship. Not a single one of them would have ever been sold had I not reworked them. He knows it and I know it.
It was at this point that I informed Steve that I was tired of having to redo every trigger to make them work and done peddling his trigger and dealing with customers. I refused to take any more triggers that he made and was going to try to find someone locally to hopefully design manufacture and a trigger that would not only function properly but not need to be modified or repaired.
And that’s what I did. I finally found Tim that was not only a machinist but also happened to be somewhat of an AG enthusiast. After a couple of months and much trial and error and testing, we got it right. The new trigger became the GTX-II. That is the trigger on the upper right in Steve’s group of three. He had absolutely no input to the redesign of that trigger. It was a new approach to the concept and to the trigger and its problems.
My cost to manufacture the new GTX-II triggers doubled not including the setup and CNC programming. We ate those ourselves. Steve never shared in those costs but even then, I continued to pay him ½ of the net profit until the day that we “dissolved” our partnership on 6/30/06. (It might be noted that I paid him 50% of the net profits all along and he did absolutely nothing in the past except send me inferior product during our entire “partnership”). On that final day I issued him a final check of $2036.87. In addition to the check, I sent him ½ of the entire final parts inventory of all the products of which there were 28 GTX-III and sent him 14. I never cheated him out of a single dime.
The first of the GTX-II’s (the new series of triggers that Tim and I designed and manufactured) came off the line on 12/09/05.
Tim and I improved it further and the next trigger revision, the GTX-III, came off the line on 7/7/06. (The pictures shown of the GRT-III on the lower part of that post and were the ones that the manufacturer and I made and not Steve’s as he would like to make you and everybody else believe).
Then later, after the split with Steve on 6/30/06, we improved it even further and renamed it the GRT-III trigger. It came off the line about 8/15/06.
I have always given Steve the credit for the original concept and design but standing on its own, it never would have worked as designed regardless of what he would like others to believe. However, the GTX-II trigger forward to the GRT-III trigger of today is not his trigger design but was the time and hard work put into it by Tim and me.
Steve’s and a couple of others statements about me being a liar, crook, and thief among other things is ridiculous. I doubt that you can find a single person anywhere that can honestly say that I have cheated them or stole from them or lied to them or bilked them out of anything at any time. That’s not to say that Steve wouldn’t get someone to make that kind of a statement which he certainly is capable of doing.
And one last point… I contacted Tim after the post was brought to my attention and he told me that the post by Steve were lies and were not true at all. The triggers that Skyler is now marketing were not made by Tim, the person that made my triggers in the past. In fact, he will have absolutely nothing to do with Steve and has no respect for him. I am good friends with Tim and see him almost weekly and for Steve to make the statement:
“I think there were a few years there (like 1861 to 1865) when it wasn't. And actually, Walter, just to improve the story, the GTX blades being sold by Skyler were made by the same SC machinest who refused to continue to make them for that scaley fellow, when the fishie guy "retired."It seems the machinest couldn't be talked into forgetting whose name was on the original dimensioned drawings he was given to do the CNC programming from.Short version: there really are honest men out there.Steve”
This is Steve, again “And actually, Walter, just to improve the story”, just improving his story….. And again, this is far from the truth and Tim has never made any triggers or any other parts for Steve or Skyler ever. Any parts that were by Tim were either though me or for me.
Tim told me that he is going to put up a response up to the post stating that Steve’s claims are untrue and that they are not his triggers. I expect that it won’t last long though.
Walter…I have no reason to lie and Steve has every reason in his mind for lying and his bitterness. He will do everything in his power to discredit and to destroy me because he no longer has a ninny and cash cow that he had taken advantage of for so long. He received a great deal of money for nothing for a long time and at my expense and when I finally had enough and ended it, he couldn’t handle it and has been relentless in his retribution ever since.
Steve is an admitted atheist, and in my opinion, an unscrupulous person without conscience and he has no qualms about straying from the truth, creating deception and being less than honest or doing whatever it takes to destroy someone or their character for whatever his reason or at his whim. Having been in partnership and working with him on a personal level, I am fully aware of how he thinks, what he is capable of doing and how he does it, especially when it comes to his own benefit and ego or what ever fits his agenda. I feel sorry for Steve and perhaps one day the Lord will come into his heart. Perhaps you have no religious belief and that is fine but I myself just happen to be a Christian and I know He leads me in the right directions and I’ve always tried to do what’s right and that’s all that really matters to me.
Thank you for your time and indulgence Walter and sorry for the rambling.
Bob Werner aka: Charlie
Hi Walter:
I very seldom e-mail people regarding posts made on the YP’s but when I do, it’s only that I cannot respond to their post (including yours) in any other way.
Perhaps you don’t want to hear what I have to say or even have no interest in my side of the controversy and I am certainly not asking you to take sides. Hopefully you will give me the courtesy of reading this but if not, I understand with no ill feelings on my part.
Regarding your post on the YP-Gamo and the responses,+where+are+the+GTX+triggers+made-+USA-
There is no truth in what Steve has said in his posts and makes those statements only to discredit me and further his own agenda. I can only put up posts on my forum, the GTA, regarding issues because it’s the only way I can put up any defense at all and others from the YP’s are either members here also under different names or at least come to the GTA and read the posts. He knows as do you and many others, that I have absolutely no way of defending myself on the YP’s or can anybody else post a defense on my behalf because he will immediately (or have CT Steve) delete them and usually ban the person that makes the post. As you well know, they always “disappear” within a very short time keeping as few as possible from viewing them.
I just wanted to make some points about that post.
Steve’s statement about: In fact every single... GTX blade that was ever made, worked. There were no "failures”.
They were all failures, all of them but the reason that they worked and there were in his words, “no failures” is because I had to remake them, every single one. And then there was still the problem that the safeties did not work even when they were reworked. It could not be made to work without failing because of the design. I had to make a lot of refunds because the customers were so dissatisfied and I made those refunds with no questions asked.
Below is the first MK-1-GTX that Steve designed (he never shows this), had made and sent to me that I had to grind out the nose to make work as well as modify the pivot holes to even get the pins in. No safety and not first stage adjustable.
(sorry but I could not post the picture here)
In his post, the upper left picture (in the group of three) is the second version of Steve’s trigger, MK-I GTX ver.2 that he had made and shipped to me. I had to do a lot of work on every one of them to make them work and able to sell. It too wasn’t first stage adjustable and still had the safety issue.
The bottom trigger in the group was his third (and final) version he had made that had an adjustment screw but was incorrectly placed and incorrect angle. The pivot pin holes were still incorrect and every one had to be drilled oversize and hand fitted to be able to fit into the trigger. And the safety was not right. This was the GTX-I. He just never got it right….ever….and I was sick of it.
Every trigger Steve ever had made and sent to me were sub-manufactured by E-Machine and made off shore. It was cheap, a little over $4.00 each as I recall, and the end results very bad due both in part to faulty design as well as poor workmanship. Not a single one of them would have ever been sold had I not reworked them. He knows it and I know it.
It was at this point that I informed Steve that I was tired of having to redo every trigger to make them work and done peddling his trigger and dealing with customers. I refused to take any more triggers that he made and was going to try to find someone locally to hopefully design manufacture and a trigger that would not only function properly but not need to be modified or repaired.
And that’s what I did. I finally found Tim that was not only a machinist but also happened to be somewhat of an AG enthusiast. After a couple of months and much trial and error and testing, we got it right. The new trigger became the GTX-II. That is the trigger on the upper right in Steve’s group of three. He had absolutely no input to the redesign of that trigger. It was a new approach to the concept and to the trigger and its problems.
My cost to manufacture the new GTX-II triggers doubled not including the setup and CNC programming. We ate those ourselves. Steve never shared in those costs but even then, I continued to pay him ½ of the net profit until the day that we “dissolved” our partnership on 6/30/06. (It might be noted that I paid him 50% of the net profits all along and he did absolutely nothing in the past except send me inferior product during our entire “partnership”). On that final day I issued him a final check of $2036.87. In addition to the check, I sent him ½ of the entire final parts inventory of all the products of which there were 28 GTX-III and sent him 14. I never cheated him out of a single dime.
The first of the GTX-II’s (the new series of triggers that Tim and I designed and manufactured) came off the line on 12/09/05.
Tim and I improved it further and the next trigger revision, the GTX-III, came off the line on 7/7/06. (The pictures shown of the GRT-III on the lower part of that post and were the ones that the manufacturer and I made and not Steve’s as he would like to make you and everybody else believe).
Then later, after the split with Steve on 6/30/06, we improved it even further and renamed it the GRT-III trigger. It came off the line about 8/15/06.
I have always given Steve the credit for the original concept and design but standing on its own, it never would have worked as designed regardless of what he would like others to believe. However, the GTX-II trigger forward to the GRT-III trigger of today is not his trigger design but was the time and hard work put into it by Tim and me.
Steve’s and a couple of others statements about me being a liar, crook, and thief among other things is ridiculous. I doubt that you can find a single person anywhere that can honestly say that I have cheated them or stole from them or lied to them or bilked them out of anything at any time. That’s not to say that Steve wouldn’t get someone to make that kind of a statement which he certainly is capable of doing.
And one last point… I contacted Tim after the post was brought to my attention and he told me that the post by Steve were lies and were not true at all. The triggers that Skyler is now marketing were not made by Tim, the person that made my triggers in the past. In fact, he will have absolutely nothing to do with Steve and has no respect for him. I am good friends with Tim and see him almost weekly and for Steve to make the statement:
“I think there were a few years there (like 1861 to 1865) when it wasn't. And actually, Walter, just to improve the story, the GTX blades being sold by Skyler were made by the same SC machinest who refused to continue to make them for that scaley fellow, when the fishie guy "retired."It seems the machinest couldn't be talked into forgetting whose name was on the original dimensioned drawings he was given to do the CNC programming from.Short version: there really are honest men out there.Steve”
This is Steve, again “And actually, Walter, just to improve the story”, just improving his story….. And again, this is far from the truth and Tim has never made any triggers or any other parts for Steve or Skyler ever. Any parts that were by Tim were either though me or for me.
Tim told me that he is going to put up a response up to the post stating that Steve’s claims are untrue and that they are not his triggers. I expect that it won’t last long though.
Walter…I have no reason to lie and Steve has every reason in his mind for lying and his bitterness. He will do everything in his power to discredit and to destroy me because he no longer has a ninny and cash cow that he had taken advantage of for so long. He received a great deal of money for nothing for a long time and at my expense and when I finally had enough and ended it, he couldn’t handle it and has been relentless in his retribution ever since.
Steve is an admitted atheist, and in my opinion, an unscrupulous person without conscience and he has no qualms about straying from the truth, creating deception and being less than honest or doing whatever it takes to destroy someone or their character for whatever his reason or at his whim. Having been in partnership and working with him on a personal level, I am fully aware of how he thinks, what he is capable of doing and how he does it, especially when it comes to his own benefit and ego or what ever fits his agenda. I feel sorry for Steve and perhaps one day the Lord will come into his heart. Perhaps you have no religious belief and that is fine but I myself just happen to be a Christian and I know He leads me in the right directions and I’ve always tried to do what’s right and that’s all that really matters to me.
Thank you for your time and indulgence Walter and sorry for the rambling.
Bob Werner aka: Charlie
Monday, September 10, 2007
The SuperSear II
After Steve had the SuperSears (there were two different designs) manufactured and sent to me, it was obvious to me during testing that there were going to once again be several problems with another one of Steve-in-NC's designs and manufacturing. His SuperSear’s were a failure because they were not hard enough in some areas and too thin and brittle in others. When adjusting per Steve’s instructions, the tip would break because it was so thin and brittle.
Also, because of the improperly placed and drilled spring retaining hole, the spring would not stay seated in the hole when installing. In order to get it in and for it to stay in place, the customer would need to bend the spring and make a hook in it, which would shorten it and made it very difficult for some to install. When adjusting per Steve’s instructions, the tip would break because they so thin and brittle. I had to replace many of them because the tips would break off and/or they would wear down on the edge where the sear would seat.
I wound up having to hand heat treat every one of them and then refinish and resurface them to be able to make them acceptable to put them on the market even though the spring issue was still there. It was another case repairing his blunders, poor workmanship and design flaws.
I decided that I was no longer going to market his “SuperSear” and that I was tired of repairing his sears. I went to a local machinist that I had come to know and explained to him my problems and asked him for his opinions and if it were possible to both redesign as well as improve it.
After a couple of weeks of spare time working on it and making prototypes and testing we come up with a new design although it was based somewhat on the original concept that worked exceptionally well. It was also far superior in strength, design and manufacturing than Steve’s SuperSear.
Below in the top picture is Steve-in-NC's SuperSear design. As can be seen, the spring is pulling the sear reward and a strian on the pivot, a change in the sear edge and radius, a change in the pivot and a big change in the nose design.On the bottom is the SuperSear-II that is the redesigned that I did.

But then every once in awhile someone stands up and puts it in his face.
Also, because of the improperly placed and drilled spring retaining hole, the spring would not stay seated in the hole when installing. In order to get it in and for it to stay in place, the customer would need to bend the spring and make a hook in it, which would shorten it and made it very difficult for some to install. When adjusting per Steve’s instructions, the tip would break because they so thin and brittle. I had to replace many of them because the tips would break off and/or they would wear down on the edge where the sear would seat.
I wound up having to hand heat treat every one of them and then refinish and resurface them to be able to make them acceptable to put them on the market even though the spring issue was still there. It was another case repairing his blunders, poor workmanship and design flaws.
I decided that I was no longer going to market his “SuperSear” and that I was tired of repairing his sears. I went to a local machinist that I had come to know and explained to him my problems and asked him for his opinions and if it were possible to both redesign as well as improve it.
After a couple of weeks of spare time working on it and making prototypes and testing we come up with a new design although it was based somewhat on the original concept that worked exceptionally well. It was also far superior in strength, design and manufacturing than Steve’s SuperSear.
Below in the top picture is Steve-in-NC's SuperSear design. As can be seen, the spring is pulling the sear reward and a strian on the pivot, a change in the sear edge and radius, a change in the pivot and a big change in the nose design.On the bottom is the SuperSear-II that is the redesigned that I did.

I sent this new design as well as a couple of the new sears to Steve but he wasn’t impressed. I guess that was because it wasn’t his any longer. Anyhow, I decided to go ahead and manufacture it regardless of his thoughts and called them the SuperSear-II.
The new SuperSear-II’s sold well and never had any problems or customer complaints. It was just a few months later that Steve and I parted company
and I passed half of the remaining inventory of the new SuperSear-II’s on to him at that time.
Now let’s fast forward about a year and a half.
Here it is Sept. 2007 and it now appears the Steve is in the process of making the SuperSear. And guess what? It’s not his design but the one that my machinist and I developed Not only is it the new design that my machinist put together that Steve was not impressed with but as you can see, he has also taken the pictures on my website showing the new sear in the trigger and it’s installation and makes it appear as it was his. Then, Steve added some script to it showing how it functions. And this is the guy that’s always screaming “plagiarize” and “stealing” from him. That's typical of Steve though.
The new SuperSear-II’s sold well and never had any problems or customer complaints. It was just a few months later that Steve and I parted company

Now let’s fast forward about a year and a half.

But then every once in awhile someone stands up and puts it in his face.
So now you have an understanding of Steve's SuperSear and how through my efforts in changing a big part of the geometrical design evolved into the SuperSear-II and something that really works.
One thing about Steve Woodward (Steve-in-NC). He does a lot of research evidently and occasionally sees something that he thinks he can improve on. Usually it doesn't work it. But...even though he brought it up and it wasn't his and if someone else picks up on it and is successful in making it work, you stole it from him. Steve does not live in the real world. All he does is glean information or ideas from others and apply other information in an attempt to come up with something new.
Steve may be a mathematician but he is certainly not an inventor. He is a good "wanna be" inventor though and he is good at stealing other people's ideas and claiming them as his own.
Anyhow, bottom line is that I will reintroduce the SuperSear-II in the near future and it will be the SuperSear-II that I was marketing last year and not the one the Steve Woodward designed.
Anyhow, bottom line is that I will reintroduce the SuperSear-II in the near future and it will be the SuperSear-II that I was marketing last year and not the one the Steve Woodward designed.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Steve's MK-1 and II GTX trigger

Above is Steve Woodwards MK-I GTX
As everybody knows, Steve Woodward did design the original MK-I GTX, MK-II- GTX and they were made off shore in India I believe. What most people don’t know is that even the original GTX was such a mess that for all intent and purposes, it was a failure that wouldn’t install properly and were in a way even dangerous because the safety would not work. It had no adjustable first stage. I had to grind away material and hand rework every single one of them that he sent to me in order to fit and to be able to market them even with a safety that wouldn’t work in most guns, the safety being able to be pulled through and wouldn’t hold. I had to either replace or refund a lot of the original GTX’s.
The second ones that he had designed and made, the MK-II-GTX wasn’t much better. The nose was extended slightly to accomodate an adjustment screw, still had a safety issue and they too had to be reworked. The pivot holes had to be resized and finished to even get the pins in. They didn’t have a hole drilled for a first stage. I had to make a jig, then hand drill and tap each and every one of them. And there was still a safety problem issue in some guns. This is what Steve designed, ordered and had shipped to me to market. It was up to me to refit, resolve and fix all of his mistakes, clean up his junk parts that he sent to me, and then put them on the market.
Saturday, September 8, 2007
They never seem to quit
As almost everyone knows, if anybody posts anything on the Network 54Yellow forum, regarding me (CDT), the GRT trigger, or the GTA forum it is immediately deleted and if a person makes further posts is likely to be banned. I, as well as anybody else that has posted on the YP’s have been in the past and are still now continuously hassled and berated on the YP’s (and only there) by a few of individuals, including Steve Woodward aka: Steve-in-NC AKA: (pneuguy) as well as the forum owner, Steve in CT, referred to by some as “the butcher” to name a couple. Any post that is negative toward me, although few (and are posted by their cronies usually), are allowed to stand but any positive posts supporting me are immediately deleted. If they be allowed to stand, for every negative post, there would have been dozens of positive posts. They couldn’t handle, accept or allow that and immediately delete them.
But there has been a very positive side and because of their activity and it has been extremely beneficial to not only me but the GTA forum. Because of their relentless and persistent attacks and their activity they in fact draw attention to or create questions or doubts in the readers minds and they go searching for answers. That in turn will eventually draw them to either my website or the GTA forum and it don’t take them long to determine the truth for themselves both about CharlieDaTuna, the GTX-III, the GRT-III trigger and the GTA forum.
They were determined and did everything in their power to destroy the GTA forum, CharlieDaTuna and the GRT-III trigger. However, they have in fact helped in a huge way to make the GTA forum as well as the GRT-III trigger the success that they are today. They conduct continually bring us into the public interest and we cannot ask for better advertisement than that. We owe a great deal of our success, both the Gateway to Airguns forum, the GRT-III trigger as well as CharlieDaTuna (CDT) to the YP’s and especially Steve-in-NC and CT Steve (the forum owner) because of their vindictive and malicious behavior. Their conduct and actions has been a blessing to me and the GTA.
But I would like to give you a little background info regarding this conflict.
I’ll do this by simply taking a couple of the posts from the different forums and lay them out. It would be impossible to put up everything that transpired but this should give a person a general idea of what has happened.
After a couple of years of dealing with Steve-in-NC (pneuguy) and all of the product problems that he had been handing me, I decided just to part company with him. In addition to that, both he CT Steve, the YP forum owner had gone ballistic because I was co-founding the GTA, another forum.
This was the post (in part) that I made in June of 2006 when I finally decided to part company with Steve-in-NC.
Regarding the future of the MK-II-GTX as well as the other products that were available in the past including the HDD, SuperSears, 13/22xx sears, 7-8-953 sears, DP-392 couplers and the BMD's.
I am making this announcement publicly so there is no misunderstanding in the future and that I have made an attempt to come up with a solution. I feel that the airgunning community should have access to all of the items that were available in the past if a solution is possible and reasonable and fair.
There is a possible solution in the air proposed by a third party which, if comes to fruition, will benefit everybody in the AG community. It is possible that Steve-in-NC could take over all of the HDD, SuperSears, 13/22xx sears, 7-8-953 sears, DP-392 couplers and the BMD's market. I would retain the GTX sales only. There is actually very little inventory other than the HDD's and inventory has always been held to a minimum. Steve is well aware of this. That was the initial proposal.
In addition, I am offer the following:
I would liquidate (sell off) any of my share of the remaining inventory of the other products after the division of the remaining inventory after 7-1-06. . Once I have sold off my share of the inventory, I would agree to no longer sell any of the products with the exception of the GTX trigger. If Steve would like, he can buy out my half of the inventory at 1/2 the market value.
I am absolutely not interested in and will not even consider marketing any of the other products. That is not a subject of consideration.
I would reinstall all of the information on the CharlieDaTuna website including informational, instructions and testimonials to assist Steve in the marketing of his side of the products. This would include all articles that were in place prior to 6/18/06. This would be for an undetermined period of time.
None of Steve's parts will be listed on the website order page. The only items that will be on the order page will be any items that pertain to my marketing interests. There will be no ordering of Steve's products directly from the website. I will however, on his different product pages, put a link to an address that Steve selects for ordering that the potential customer can click on to access ordering.
Although I would endorse and assist in promoting his products, I would take no responsibility for products he would market including any product issues, replacement, or delivery of the products that is posted on my website. All inquires regarding his products should be directed to Steve and all inquiries received through the website will be forwarded directly to him.
But there has been a very positive side and because of their activity and it has been extremely beneficial to not only me but the GTA forum. Because of their relentless and persistent attacks and their activity they in fact draw attention to or create questions or doubts in the readers minds and they go searching for answers. That in turn will eventually draw them to either my website or the GTA forum and it don’t take them long to determine the truth for themselves both about CharlieDaTuna, the GTX-III, the GRT-III trigger and the GTA forum.
They were determined and did everything in their power to destroy the GTA forum, CharlieDaTuna and the GRT-III trigger. However, they have in fact helped in a huge way to make the GTA forum as well as the GRT-III trigger the success that they are today. They conduct continually bring us into the public interest and we cannot ask for better advertisement than that. We owe a great deal of our success, both the Gateway to Airguns forum, the GRT-III trigger as well as CharlieDaTuna (CDT) to the YP’s and especially Steve-in-NC and CT Steve (the forum owner) because of their vindictive and malicious behavior. Their conduct and actions has been a blessing to me and the GTA.
But I would like to give you a little background info regarding this conflict.
I’ll do this by simply taking a couple of the posts from the different forums and lay them out. It would be impossible to put up everything that transpired but this should give a person a general idea of what has happened.
After a couple of years of dealing with Steve-in-NC (pneuguy) and all of the product problems that he had been handing me, I decided just to part company with him. In addition to that, both he CT Steve, the YP forum owner had gone ballistic because I was co-founding the GTA, another forum.
This was the post (in part) that I made in June of 2006 when I finally decided to part company with Steve-in-NC.
Regarding the future of the MK-II-GTX as well as the other products that were available in the past including the HDD, SuperSears, 13/22xx sears, 7-8-953 sears, DP-392 couplers and the BMD's.
I am making this announcement publicly so there is no misunderstanding in the future and that I have made an attempt to come up with a solution. I feel that the airgunning community should have access to all of the items that were available in the past if a solution is possible and reasonable and fair.
There is a possible solution in the air proposed by a third party which, if comes to fruition, will benefit everybody in the AG community. It is possible that Steve-in-NC could take over all of the HDD, SuperSears, 13/22xx sears, 7-8-953 sears, DP-392 couplers and the BMD's market. I would retain the GTX sales only. There is actually very little inventory other than the HDD's and inventory has always been held to a minimum. Steve is well aware of this. That was the initial proposal.
In addition, I am offer the following:
I would liquidate (sell off) any of my share of the remaining inventory of the other products after the division of the remaining inventory after 7-1-06. . Once I have sold off my share of the inventory, I would agree to no longer sell any of the products with the exception of the GTX trigger. If Steve would like, he can buy out my half of the inventory at 1/2 the market value.
I am absolutely not interested in and will not even consider marketing any of the other products. That is not a subject of consideration.
I would reinstall all of the information on the CharlieDaTuna website including informational, instructions and testimonials to assist Steve in the marketing of his side of the products. This would include all articles that were in place prior to 6/18/06. This would be for an undetermined period of time.
None of Steve's parts will be listed on the website order page. The only items that will be on the order page will be any items that pertain to my marketing interests. There will be no ordering of Steve's products directly from the website. I will however, on his different product pages, put a link to an address that Steve selects for ordering that the potential customer can click on to access ordering.
Although I would endorse and assist in promoting his products, I would take no responsibility for products he would market including any product issues, replacement, or delivery of the products that is posted on my website. All inquires regarding his products should be directed to Steve and all inquiries received through the website will be forwarded directly to him.
I have not discussed any of this with Steve as of yet but I would agree to it. It is an agreement that as I said would benefit the airgun community as a whole. According to this third party, Steve has contacted him and has tentatively agreed to the initial part and I feel I have made it more beneficial to him. So far I have not heard from Steve and there is no doubt in my mind that Steve will be aware of this post in a matter of hours, if not minutes.
I feel that I am being more than fair in my proposal. From here on it's up to Steve to contact me if he wishes to agree. If Steve elects not to agree then I would guess everything will come to a halt on 7/1/06.
I have absolutely no interest in the Co2 pistols or pumper pistols or pumper rifles or the modification parts for them. My only real interest in the past has been in the springer's and the guns that the GTX applied to. I marketed the other parts for Steve's benefit because it provided him a way to market his mods and at the same time, provide me with some additional income. I don't see anything wrong with that other than the fact that until I re-worked them, for the most part, they didn't work well. I really wasn't interested in them then and I'm surly not interested in them now.
Bob aka: CharlieDaTuna
This was a response post put up by Steve-in-NC
As you know, when we first introduced my (MK-I) GTX, the costs of production (in both money and effort) were high. But over the two intervening two years, costs have dropped precipitously, but our price didn't. Currently, each piece costs only $3 or $4, all tooling has been paid for, and they come finished and ready to drop into the poly bag and mail. That makes the current net markup on the most recent $35 price about 800%!
Therefore, since you gave as the reason for your retirement last week not having enough fun, and since you say that you have the benefit of the airgun community at heart, I'm sure you can have no objection to dropping your markup on the GTX to a more reasonable retail number: say 50%?
So, as soon as you've made a public announcement of intending to reintroduce and sell the GTX for the new (and still generously remunerative) price of 1.5 x $4 = $6, please get back to me. I think we can do business!
Here is Steve’s version of the of MK-I- and II GTX after chopping and grinding away the material on the nose to make it work.
I feel that I am being more than fair in my proposal. From here on it's up to Steve to contact me if he wishes to agree. If Steve elects not to agree then I would guess everything will come to a halt on 7/1/06.
I have absolutely no interest in the Co2 pistols or pumper pistols or pumper rifles or the modification parts for them. My only real interest in the past has been in the springer's and the guns that the GTX applied to. I marketed the other parts for Steve's benefit because it provided him a way to market his mods and at the same time, provide me with some additional income. I don't see anything wrong with that other than the fact that until I re-worked them, for the most part, they didn't work well. I really wasn't interested in them then and I'm surly not interested in them now.
Bob aka: CharlieDaTuna
This was a response post put up by Steve-in-NC
As you know, when we first introduced my (MK-I) GTX, the costs of production (in both money and effort) were high. But over the two intervening two years, costs have dropped precipitously, but our price didn't. Currently, each piece costs only $3 or $4, all tooling has been paid for, and they come finished and ready to drop into the poly bag and mail. That makes the current net markup on the most recent $35 price about 800%!
Therefore, since you gave as the reason for your retirement last week not having enough fun, and since you say that you have the benefit of the airgun community at heart, I'm sure you can have no objection to dropping your markup on the GTX to a more reasonable retail number: say 50%?
So, as soon as you've made a public announcement of intending to reintroduce and sell the GTX for the new (and still generously remunerative) price of 1.5 x $4 = $6, please get back to me. I think we can do business!
Here is Steve’s version of the of MK-I- and II GTX after chopping and grinding away the material on the nose to make it work.
The MK-II and was almost the same thing. Steve would send me those to me and they too would need to be modified and cut out to make function. They would need to be ground off as you can see and the pivot holes repaired and fitted for the pins (as did the MK-II ).

The one on the left has been repaired, the adjustment screw hole re-tapped and the spring and screw installed. It did not come that way and it is nothing like the later design that the manufacturer and I designed later.
Pictured, below, although not good pictures, is the latest GRT-III trigger and slightly improved over the GTX-III that the manufacturer and I designed. As can be seen, there is a considerable difference in design, it worked, it was safe, and was machined correctly to fit nearly all guns using the Theoben/Gamo trigger design.

Pictured, below, although not good pictures, is the latest GRT-III trigger and slightly improved over the GTX-III that the manufacturer and I designed. As can be seen, there is a considerable difference in design, it worked, it was safe, and was machined correctly to fit nearly all guns using the Theoben/Gamo trigger design.

My Response was (in part)
As most of you know, I keep most of my criticism to myself....however
Just as with many other things Steve has said in the past, he again has stated some inaccuracies in an attempt to discredit me. That might be what it cost to him to make his original MK-I-GTX that was so poorly designed, dangerous and very inefficient. I'm not sure if I ever knew the original production costs.
And his statement of "and they come finished and ready to drop into the poly bag and mail" is a bunch of crap. They were a mess. I had to order additional parts, cut springs to fit, and every one of them had to be modified to work, pivot pin holes reamed out to get the pins to fit, they had to be assembled, tested, set up, packaged and mailed.
And I didn't set the pricing, Steve set the pricing.
The production costs that he has stated are far from accurate for the manufacture of the new GTX-III and not only that, the production costs will go up even more if there is another production run due to the fact that I will need to find another manufacturing source and start all over again.
And further more it might be noted that regarding the statement about the costs and profits. They were fine with Steve until now and as long as those profits were going into his pockets. Now all of a sudden it was absolutely outrageous. That should in itself tell you something about Steve. Never has he ever mentioned a price drop until now when he see's money not going into his pocket.
That cost figures that he claims might be what he paid for his MK-I-GTX design and production for the original junk that he had ordered and were made off shore in India or where ever they were made, but that's certainly not what the cost of his the later MK-II-GTX to be made here in the US.
As most of you know, I keep most of my criticism to myself....however
Just as with many other things Steve has said in the past, he again has stated some inaccuracies in an attempt to discredit me. That might be what it cost to him to make his original MK-I-GTX that was so poorly designed, dangerous and very inefficient. I'm not sure if I ever knew the original production costs.
And his statement of "and they come finished and ready to drop into the poly bag and mail" is a bunch of crap. They were a mess. I had to order additional parts, cut springs to fit, and every one of them had to be modified to work, pivot pin holes reamed out to get the pins to fit, they had to be assembled, tested, set up, packaged and mailed.
And I didn't set the pricing, Steve set the pricing.
The production costs that he has stated are far from accurate for the manufacture of the new GTX-III and not only that, the production costs will go up even more if there is another production run due to the fact that I will need to find another manufacturing source and start all over again.
And further more it might be noted that regarding the statement about the costs and profits. They were fine with Steve until now and as long as those profits were going into his pockets. Now all of a sudden it was absolutely outrageous. That should in itself tell you something about Steve. Never has he ever mentioned a price drop until now when he see's money not going into his pocket.
That cost figures that he claims might be what he paid for his MK-I-GTX design and production for the original junk that he had ordered and were made off shore in India or where ever they were made, but that's certainly not what the cost of his the later MK-II-GTX to be made here in the US.
The manufacturing of the GTX-II and the later GTX-III that I manufacture now is made with far superior quality material, far superior machining and tolerances, far better anodizing, and the two later designs are far superior to the original designs of Steve's and no thanks to Steve. He had absolutely no part in the latest two designs of the GTX trigger and the later GRT-III trigger.
Steve did of course designed the original MK-I-GTX and MK-II-GTX such as it was, but it was such a mess that for all intent and purposes was a failure that wouldn't even install properly and were in a way even dangerous because the safety would not work. I had to hand rework every single one of them that he sent to me in order to be able to market them even without the safety. Even then, I had to either replace or refund a bunch of them. The second ones that he designed wasn't not much better and still had the same safety issue and they too had to be reworked and pivot holes had to be resized and finished to even get the pins in. They didn't even have a hole drilled for a first stage. I had to make a jig, drill them as well as tap them, one at a time.
Later I finally after months of searching, I finally found a machinist that would work with me and we spent many nights changing a good part of the geometry and making and testing several prototypes until it's what it is today. It's what I would call nearly perfect and Steve deserves absolutely no credit for the GTX-III or the GRT-III and what it is today. Much of it is completely different than his design. However, I never said a word about it until now and let Steve have all the credit. Big mistake.
The same thing with the SuperSear. After he had them produced, they were a failure because they were not hard enough. I had to replace many of them also. I then had to hand heat-treat every one of them and then refinish and resurface them to be able to make them acceptable and put them on the market. In addition to that, the sear was not drilled properly and the spring had to be modified to work.
Steve did of course designed the original MK-I-GTX and MK-II-GTX such as it was, but it was such a mess that for all intent and purposes was a failure that wouldn't even install properly and were in a way even dangerous because the safety would not work. I had to hand rework every single one of them that he sent to me in order to be able to market them even without the safety. Even then, I had to either replace or refund a bunch of them. The second ones that he designed wasn't not much better and still had the same safety issue and they too had to be reworked and pivot holes had to be resized and finished to even get the pins in. They didn't even have a hole drilled for a first stage. I had to make a jig, drill them as well as tap them, one at a time.
Later I finally after months of searching, I finally found a machinist that would work with me and we spent many nights changing a good part of the geometry and making and testing several prototypes until it's what it is today. It's what I would call nearly perfect and Steve deserves absolutely no credit for the GTX-III or the GRT-III and what it is today. Much of it is completely different than his design. However, I never said a word about it until now and let Steve have all the credit. Big mistake.
The same thing with the SuperSear. After he had them produced, they were a failure because they were not hard enough. I had to replace many of them also. I then had to hand heat-treat every one of them and then refinish and resurface them to be able to make them acceptable and put them on the market. In addition to that, the sear was not drilled properly and the spring had to be modified to work.
The 13/22's were a tragedy, a joke and breaking apart. Nothing but a bunch of rusty junk and a good part of them still are. I remake/refinish and test them only as needed. I'm sure he will pawn them of through Skyler.
Even the DBG's that Steve designed were designed improperly and would not work after being manufactured until I modified them.
In the past I've worked my butt off remaking the junk parts that he ordered and either sent to me or drop shipped to me from e-Machine because they were so bad. Nothing that he ever sent me worked as designed.
In the past I've worked my butt off remaking the junk parts that he ordered and either sent to me or drop shipped to me from e-Machine because they were so bad. Nothing that he ever sent me worked as designed.
Then Steve had the guts to tell me that he thought he should get 60% of the business and I get 40%. I will say that without his initial ideas, it would have never happened although most was doomed to failure. All Steve has done is set back and let me resolve and fix all of his mistakes, clean up his junk, redesign it and then take all of the credit and the checks that I sent him for all of the work that I put into it. Steve never had to lift one finger. I have been told I was a fool, that I was nothing more than his stooge and the sad thing is that I and a few other people knew it but I didn't do anything about it and that makes it my fault. And I'm sure that he laughed all the way to the bank. Most people know Steve for whom and what he really is…including and especially me.
The parts that I have been producing today are a far cry from what Steve sent to me to pass on to our airgun community regardless of what he might say. I turned the old MK-I-GTX and MK-II-GTX into something that is a good reliable product that now performs and functions as it should, something that I can be proud of. I owe him nothing and have cheated him out of nothing and he deserves nothing including even credit for most of it.
My impression of Steve after knowing him and working with him…. He is intelligent but that is the only thing that he has going for him. Steve is always right in his mind and if you disagree with him, beware. I feel that he considers anybody else to be inferior to him. He is arrogant, egotistical, self-serving, selfish, a manipulator, uses people to his advantage regardless of the harm it may cause, and has little or no respect for anyone. His attitude has caused him to be banned from several forums and is not well liked on most for good reason but is one of those people that are tolerated. But he does have some weak spots and being a geek for the YP’s owner, Steve in CT, shows that. He was banned from there until he caved in to him.
I’m just grateful that I no longer have to a associated with him and at times wish I had never become involved with him.
Now you know the real and whole story.
The parts that I have been producing today are a far cry from what Steve sent to me to pass on to our airgun community regardless of what he might say. I turned the old MK-I-GTX and MK-II-GTX into something that is a good reliable product that now performs and functions as it should, something that I can be proud of. I owe him nothing and have cheated him out of nothing and he deserves nothing including even credit for most of it.
My impression of Steve after knowing him and working with him…. He is intelligent but that is the only thing that he has going for him. Steve is always right in his mind and if you disagree with him, beware. I feel that he considers anybody else to be inferior to him. He is arrogant, egotistical, self-serving, selfish, a manipulator, uses people to his advantage regardless of the harm it may cause, and has little or no respect for anyone. His attitude has caused him to be banned from several forums and is not well liked on most for good reason but is one of those people that are tolerated. But he does have some weak spots and being a geek for the YP’s owner, Steve in CT, shows that. He was banned from there until he caved in to him.
I’m just grateful that I no longer have to a associated with him and at times wish I had never become involved with him.
Now you know the real and whole story.
Disolving marketing interests with Steve Woodward (Steve-in-NC)
Posted 6/26/2006 12:14 PM (#941) Subject: Regarding the future of the MK-II-GTX as well as
the other products that were available in the past including the HDD, SuperSears, 13/22xx sears, 7-8-953 sears, DP-392 couplers and the BMD's. I am making this announcement publicly so there is no misunderstanding in the future and that I have made an attempt to come up with a solution.
I feel that the airgunning community should have access to all of the items that were available in the past if a solution is possible and reasonable and fair. There is a possible solution in the air proposed by a third party which, if comes to fruition, will benefit everybody in the AG community.
It is possible that Steve-in-NC could take over all of the HDD, SuperSears, 13/22xx sears, 7-8-953 sears, DP-392 couplers and the BMD's market. I would retain the GTX sales only. There is actually very little inventory other than the HDD's and inventory has always been held to a minimum. Steve is well aware of this. That was the initial proposal. In addition, I am offer the following. I would liquidate (sell off) any of my share of the remaining inventory of the other products after the division of the remaining inventory after 7-1-06.
Once I have sold off my share of the inventory, I would agree to no longer sell any of the products with the exception of the GTX trigger. If Steve would like, he can buy out my half of the inventory at 1/2 the market value.
I am absolutely not interested in and will not even consider marketing any of the other products. That is not a subject of consideration. I would reinstall all of the information on the CharlieDaTuna website including informational, instructions and testimonials to assist Steve in the marketing of his side of the products. This would include all articles that were in place prior to 6/18/06.This would be for an undetermined period of time. None of Steve’s parts will be listed on the order page. The only items that will be on the order page will be any items that pertain to my marketing interests. There will be no ordering of Steve’s products directly from the website. I will however, on his different product pages, put a link to an address that Steve selects for ordering that the potential customer can click on to access ordering.
Although I would endorse and assist in promoting his products, I would take no responsibility for products he would market including any product issues, replacement, or delivery of the products that is posted on my website. All inquires regarding his products should be directed to Steve and all inquiries received through the website will be forwarded directly to him.
I have not discussed any of this with Steve as of yet but I would agree to it. It is an agreement that as I said would benefit the airgun community as a whole. According to this third party, Steve has contacted him and has tentatively agreed to the initial part and I feel I have made it more beneficial to him. So far I have not heard from Steve and there is no doubt in my mind that Steve will be aware of this post in a matter of hours, if not minutes. I feel that I am being more than fair in my proposal. From here on it’s up to Steve to contact me if he wishes to agree. If Steve elects not to agree then I would guess everything will come to a halt on 7/1/06.
-----Bob aka: CharlieDaTuna
the other products that were available in the past including the HDD, SuperSears, 13/22xx sears, 7-8-953 sears, DP-392 couplers and the BMD's. I am making this announcement publicly so there is no misunderstanding in the future and that I have made an attempt to come up with a solution.
I feel that the airgunning community should have access to all of the items that were available in the past if a solution is possible and reasonable and fair. There is a possible solution in the air proposed by a third party which, if comes to fruition, will benefit everybody in the AG community.
It is possible that Steve-in-NC could take over all of the HDD, SuperSears, 13/22xx sears, 7-8-953 sears, DP-392 couplers and the BMD's market. I would retain the GTX sales only. There is actually very little inventory other than the HDD's and inventory has always been held to a minimum. Steve is well aware of this. That was the initial proposal. In addition, I am offer the following. I would liquidate (sell off) any of my share of the remaining inventory of the other products after the division of the remaining inventory after 7-1-06.
Once I have sold off my share of the inventory, I would agree to no longer sell any of the products with the exception of the GTX trigger. If Steve would like, he can buy out my half of the inventory at 1/2 the market value.
I am absolutely not interested in and will not even consider marketing any of the other products. That is not a subject of consideration. I would reinstall all of the information on the CharlieDaTuna website including informational, instructions and testimonials to assist Steve in the marketing of his side of the products. This would include all articles that were in place prior to 6/18/06.This would be for an undetermined period of time. None of Steve’s parts will be listed on the order page. The only items that will be on the order page will be any items that pertain to my marketing interests. There will be no ordering of Steve’s products directly from the website. I will however, on his different product pages, put a link to an address that Steve selects for ordering that the potential customer can click on to access ordering.
Although I would endorse and assist in promoting his products, I would take no responsibility for products he would market including any product issues, replacement, or delivery of the products that is posted on my website. All inquires regarding his products should be directed to Steve and all inquiries received through the website will be forwarded directly to him.
I have not discussed any of this with Steve as of yet but I would agree to it. It is an agreement that as I said would benefit the airgun community as a whole. According to this third party, Steve has contacted him and has tentatively agreed to the initial part and I feel I have made it more beneficial to him. So far I have not heard from Steve and there is no doubt in my mind that Steve will be aware of this post in a matter of hours, if not minutes. I feel that I am being more than fair in my proposal. From here on it’s up to Steve to contact me if he wishes to agree. If Steve elects not to agree then I would guess everything will come to a halt on 7/1/06.
-----Bob aka: CharlieDaTuna
Steve's version of the GTX trigger
The latest GTX made by Steve Woodward aka: Steve-in-NC
Steve-in NC will be selling through Skyler his latest GTX for $30.00 he says. He should be selling them for $8.00 allowing $2.00 for S&H. Steve-in-NC does not mention it now but in an earlier statement and according to his own words, he is making a profit of about 700-800%. On the other hand, maybe it is costing $6.00 to make and he is charging his customers $24.00 for shipping and handling. He sure is a con isn’t he? He says whatever will fit his agenda at the moment but in the end he will get you one way or another.
This was the post where a response was put up by Steve-in-NC and his statement regarding his cost.
Posted 6/26/2006 3:40 PM (#958 - in reply to #941) Subject: Why, Bob, that is a very interesting proposition. I'm inclined to accept!
As you know, when we first introduced my (MK-I) GTX, the costs of production (in both money and effort) were high. But over the two intervening two years, costs have dropped precipitously, but our price didn't. Currently, each piece costs only $3 or $4, all tooling has been paid for, and they come finished and ready to drop into the poly bag and mail. That makes the current net markup on the most recent $35 price about 800%!
Therefore, since you gave as the reason for your retirement last week not having enough fun, and since you say that you have the benefit of the airgun community at heart, I'm sure you can have no objection to dropping your markup on the GTX to a more reasonable retail number: say 50%?
So, as soon as you've made a public announcement of intending to reintroduce and sell the GTX for the new (and still generously remunerative) price of 1.5 x $4 = $6, please get back to me. I think we can do business!
His statement above just goes to show you that this guy has some very serious problems. But..... based on what he says and what his costs are, he should by his own account, be selling his "GTX" for between $6 and $8.
Based on what his latest GTX looks like in the posted picture, they have been changed some from his older version and has incorporated some of my later improvements but just looking at them a person can see that they are far from being the quality of the GRT. I would also assume from what they look like that they are again being made off shore again and the quality and workmanship will be of the same inferior production as he had manufactured in the past.
Steve-in NC will be selling through Skyler his latest GTX for $30.00 he says. He should be selling them for $8.00 allowing $2.00 for S&H. Steve-in-NC does not mention it now but in an earlier statement and according to his own words, he is making a profit of about 700-800%. On the other hand, maybe it is costing $6.00 to make and he is charging his customers $24.00 for shipping and handling. He sure is a con isn’t he? He says whatever will fit his agenda at the moment but in the end he will get you one way or another.
This was the post where a response was put up by Steve-in-NC and his statement regarding his cost.
Posted 6/26/2006 3:40 PM (#958 - in reply to #941) Subject: Why, Bob, that is a very interesting proposition. I'm inclined to accept!
As you know, when we first introduced my (MK-I) GTX, the costs of production (in both money and effort) were high. But over the two intervening two years, costs have dropped precipitously, but our price didn't. Currently, each piece costs only $3 or $4, all tooling has been paid for, and they come finished and ready to drop into the poly bag and mail. That makes the current net markup on the most recent $35 price about 800%!
Therefore, since you gave as the reason for your retirement last week not having enough fun, and since you say that you have the benefit of the airgun community at heart, I'm sure you can have no objection to dropping your markup on the GTX to a more reasonable retail number: say 50%?
So, as soon as you've made a public announcement of intending to reintroduce and sell the GTX for the new (and still generously remunerative) price of 1.5 x $4 = $6, please get back to me. I think we can do business!
His statement above just goes to show you that this guy has some very serious problems. But..... based on what he says and what his costs are, he should by his own account, be selling his "GTX" for between $6 and $8.
Based on what his latest GTX looks like in the posted picture, they have been changed some from his older version and has incorporated some of my later improvements but just looking at them a person can see that they are far from being the quality of the GRT. I would also assume from what they look like that they are again being made off shore again and the quality and workmanship will be of the same inferior production as he had manufactured in the past.
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