Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Regarding Tim's (the manufacturer) effort to correct Steve-in NC's fabrications and falsehoods

on the YP's in regards to the below article and how it was immediatly deleted in an attempt preventing anybody from reading it.

Here a copy of the e-mail that I sent to Walter G that I received from Tim (my manufacturer) after his efforts to inform those on the YP's of the incorrectness of Steve-in-NC statements and claims.


I just got a call from Tim.

Tim did respond to the thread that I was referring to in my e-mail. At first Tim said he had difficulty posting it but was finally able to get it up a little after midnight. I guess he had to go through some process. However, once it was posted, it was deleted within a matter of a couple of hours and when he tried to repost it, it seems that he no longer could post. Anyhow, below is a copy of the e-mail that he sent me along with a copy of the post that was deleted.

Steve had to get rid of the post fast and at that time of night I doubt many would have had the opportunity to read it in the short time that it was up.

I tried to put the below post on the YP Gamo forum last night but was unable to post it at first. I was finally able to get it posted a little after midnight. I was finally able to post but it was deleted a short time later. I made a copy of the post at first because I had trouble posting and saved it just in case.

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Regarding the GTX triggers
November 13 2007 at 10:54 PM

First I would like to let everyone know that I am the person that manufactured the triggers for Charlie and Steve when they were partners. Charlie approached me to make the triggers because he was having a lot of problems with both the p00r design issues, safety, and they were being poorly manufactured overseas.

I was not provided with any detailed dimentional drawing and had nothing but a basic picture, the original version trigger to start with. We, Charlie and I, did everything starting from scratch. Charlie spent many nights and much testing while redesigning the trigger in order for it to work with efficiency as well as a functioning safety. It was shortly after Charlie perfected it when their partnership broke up. It was then that I was approached by Steve and he wanted to have one design and wanted Charlie to have another another design. That's when I decided to not make any triggers or other parts for them at all. My intent was to stay impartial and neutral.

Steve, your misrepresenting the facts and is not true. And I am not manufacturing the GRT-III trigger as claimed in this or any other post for Steve or Skyler either one and do not intend to. Leave me out of this mess.
I expect that this post will be deleted almost immediatly but we will see.


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